Diane brought her thrift store find in for us to see. It did require repair to some of the applique, but what a find!

Diane also brought in a bag that a friend had made for her. Her friend found the cord straps, which coordinate beautifully, at a thrift store.

Patty loves 30's fabric.

Patty's 30's fabric butterfly quilt.

Brenda's black & white quilt. The square block were designed specifically for the West Virginia Shop Hop.

Brenda also bought this kit on the West Virginia Shop Hop, which was this past June.

Paula is hand quilting this charity quilt.

Martha made this Tennessee Waltz table runner after watching Warren's (guild man quilter) demonstration earlier this summer.

Patti is doing an applique BOM quilt.

Another block from Patti's BOM quilt.

Patti's Halloween quilt top.

More beautiful embroidery work by Patti.

Martha and Veronica are taking a Sun Bonnet Sue Calendar BOM class at Quilt Shop On The Square, our LQS.

Veronica also brought in her "quilt as you go" blocks.

Destyne, Maureen, Betty, and Jane study the "quilt as you go" blocks.

Martha, Patty, Maureen and June take in the detail of the Sun Bonnet Sue blocks.
This is Business Meeting week for the guild and it will be held at the Hope Lutheran Church. We will also be celebrating the guilds 16th birthday at the meeting.